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I'm Yuan Yang,
Labour's parliamentary candidate for our
new constituenc
y of
Earley and Woodley.

for the future of Earley and Woodley Constituency

for our area and our country

from across our constituency

the next general election

I’m standing to be the next Labour MP in our new seat, which covers south Reading, Earley, Woodley, and Shinfield.

Boundary changes mean we have a strong chance of electing a Labour MP for this new constituency.


Local polls put us ahead of the Tories. The Lib Dems know this, and are not focussing here.

As an economist and former Financial Times journalist, I’ve spent my career holding people in power accountable for bad behaviour.
That’s why I’m campaigning for a Labour victory, to hold the government to account for 13 years of mismanagement of our economy and for defunding our public services.

My family and I live in Earley, and it would be an honour to serve our community in Parliament.


"I’m impressed by Yuan’s energy, intellect and enthusiasm — all the qualities she’ll need to make a great MP for Earley and Woodley."

Martin Salter

Former MP for Reading West (1997-2010)

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"I have lived in Earley all my life and been an active Labour member for the last 40 years, yet have never elected a Labour MP. I firmly believe Yuan Yang is the woman who will change that record. She has a first-class mind, as well as an easy manner; she's happy to talk to anyone, and also has that rare quality all good candidates need: she genuinely listens to what people say."

Dave Sharp

Earley resident and former chair of Wokingham Constituency

Labour Party

"I have lived in Woodley for 30 years, served as a District Councillor in the 1990s and am a recently elected Town Councillor. We face an existential threat from climate change together with a cost of living crisis fuelled by an under-performing economy and failed ‘austerity’ policies. I’m supporting Yuan as someone who gets the bigger picture and has the tools to do the job."

June Taylor

Woodley town councillor


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